8 Free Blog Directories to submit your blog to get Backlinks and Increase Your Traffic

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I hope everyone read the Point Blank SEO training course details by now. And greet to see people had bought the course from my affiliate link :)
Today I want to share 8 free blog directories to submit your blog to, where you can do it in few minutes. I did the submissions while at work and looking for more unique traffic to come down this way very soon. As you can see these days I’m working on increasing my daily unique visitor level to 1000+, so I’m looking for all the possible quick ways to get the maximum of ROI.Free Blog Directories to submit your blog
For this process of attempting to increase the traffic to HACERNETO, it is a part of this process is to submit to top blog directories where we do not have to spend much money or effort.
Below I’ll share a list of free blog directories where you can submit you blog right after finish reading this posts. I have submitted my blog for those directories and there is s list of top 100 directories which I have listed on an excel sheet to submit in the weekend. Planning to submit to 25 directories a weekend or maybe little bit less.
For most people like me, getting floods of traffic gives the momentum to keep writing and sharing more and more valuable information. Also there are various benefits of getting new traffic every day.
Traffic is a great indicator of how popular your blog is and for this reason, adding your blog to directories can increase traffic to your blog, in turn making your blog more popular.
Check the list below and submit the blogs to directories you think may get traffic to your blog. Select the right category to get the maximum of impact.
If you know any new directories please share at the comments section.
The best top 100 Directories will be shared with you soon. So keep an eye on this blog and share with your audience and make them get addicted to build a blog that gets thousands of unique visitors a day.

8 Free Blog Directories to submit your blog to

  • Blog flux  – Easy to use web directory well worth the submit
  • Blog Catalog - Allows you to sign up your blog under your category
  • Globe of blogs - Submit your blog and make use of its array of features
  • Ontoplist - Use your RSS feed address and quickly submit your blog
  • Technorati – Great options and a Website to use with plenty of users
  • Blog Hints - Loads of categories and great interface
  • Blog Fusion - Large number of categories and great layout
  • Blog Hints – Great categories and great interface
If you feel you just don’t have time, try to submit to at least two blogs right now and then slowly submit two at e time each day.

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